GRHRCH 4XGMPR Cooperstowns Splendid SplinterMHx 4XGMPR Northstars Happy Trails Sage JH |
This REPEAT litter promises to be the next level of pointing labs we are striving to produce! Teddy is an absolutely awesome dog that has it all looks, drive, hunt, point, marking, and trainability. We had the chance to see him work in the upland first hand and it was very impressive at a young age. I consider myself a very good judge of upland talent and Teddy has what we love! Sage is a star in the pointing lab world! The total package as a female is hard to find but Sage is it. Sage has been a very fun dog to train from the start. She has hunted and pointed from an early age and we have just kept buiding on that. Sage went through advanced retriever and upland training very well. She is a very smart dog that learns and retains her learning at a very good rate. We have seen several Sage pups in action and they have the goods to say the least. We consider this to be a superstar pairing. Get on the list fast as it will fill quickly! We had a chance to train several of the pups from the first paring & they are exactly what we expected!
Yellow & Black Pups
Teddy's Health Clearances
OFA Hips: Excellent
CERF Eyes:
Clear EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear
Sage's Health Clearances
OFA Hips: Good
CERF Eyes: Clear
EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear
PRA: Clear
Pup Price $1800.00
Sire GRHRCH GMPR Cooperstowns Splendid Splinter Of Blazing Red MH
Sire UH GRHRCH GMPR Blackpowder’s Blazing Red Flame MNH QAA
Sire UH HRCH CPR Treddolphin Blazing Red SH
Dam UH HRCH Black Powders Takealine Echo
Dam HRCH UH Carolina's Sugar Sweet
Sire GRHRCH Ima Rockstar
Dam GRHRCH UH Cotton Molasses MH
4XGMPR Northstars Happy Trails Sage JH
Sire 4XGMPR Cashmans Risky Raiders In Vaider MH
Sire GMPR MHR Riks Risky Raider MH
Dam CPR Cashmans Cattail Molly
4XGMPR Chaska of Northstar SH
Sire 4XGMPR HRCH Arrowpoint Kenai Midnight Sun MH
Dam CPR HRK’s Tigs Irish Cream